An unusual PEZ set came out a few years ago -
Betsy Ross, Daniel Boone and Paul Revere issued in 1976 as part of a bicentennial set, this is a rare issue of an actual person(s) and the first (and only to date) of a living person(s). Some may have wondered who these characters are and why they were "honored" by PEZ. Orange County Choppers Inc. is in upstate New York and featured on a regular T.V. show
American Chopper which debuted in 1999 on the Discovery Channel. It is a reality T.V. program in which custom motorcycles are designed and built. The show has recently made it's way in rerun on local channels.
You can go here to see a slide show of the PEZ theme bike which is on display at the PEZ U.S. factory.
http://www.orangecountychoppers.com/occ/offairtheme.html - click on the "PEZ chopper".

The Orange County Choppers Gift Set was "limited" to 250,000 or 300,000 and features the stars of the show: Paul Sr., Paul Jr., and Mikey. This set is part of the Cornwall Collection as shown toward the end of the video "How It All Began".
With PEZ dropping the "no real persons" rule, OCC opened the doors for any number of "real life" dispensers--rock stars (ELVIS), actors, politicians, etc... Many feel
OCC will always be one of the oddest sets ever issued by PEZ. But hey, that's one way to get a $100,000 motorcycle in your front lobby.
Great PEZ history lesson.
I had always wondered about those guys, but that bike is sah-weet!
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