Be Mine - To Sarah - who will Be Mine only Valentine home in a few months. (Maroon heart & maroon stem w/ white hearts and - new for this year - white lettering.)
I Choose You - To Mom - who will be the one I Choose every year. (Maroon heart & - very rare - maroon stem w/ NO white hearts and white lettering.)
I (Heart) U - To Rachel - who I Love having her around for "a few" more months. (Purple heart & - very rare - purple stem w/ NO white hearts.)
Dream - To Jason, Stef & Paisley - the Dream little family making it in the big world on their own. (Hot pink heart & hot pink stem w/ white hearts and - new this year - white lettering.
U R Special - Has to go to Jeffrey. (New this year crystal pink heart w/ black lettering.)
Best Friends - Also goes to Mom - who is My B F... (New this year crystal pink heart w/ rare red lettering.)
Sweet - To Robb and Marybeth - The Sweetest couple around. (New this year crystal red heart w/ black lettering.)
Smile - To Katie & Dallin who gave us all Elizabeth's Smile. (New this year crystal red heart w/ - rare - white lettering.)
That's it gang - 8 new hearts to the collection. Not only are they all different we now have all 13 sayings. See Jan 4 Post for the rest of the Valentine Heart Family.
I'm glad to have a best friend like you - I CHOOSE YOU!!!
OOlala. We are excited about those new additions. Thanks for that special valentine's day treat! Happy Valentine's Day!
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